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itelenetwork is a cloud based platform to deliver quality patient care remotely.  The itelenetwork platform allows our licensed providers to deliver behavioral health services to consumer’s in their homes and workplaces. The platform aid providers in augmenting traditional direct patient care services to telemental health services- allowing providers to stay connected with their patients without being overwhelmed.  


As part of our business model, we focus on the platform for all conveniences to provide mental health delivery. is an emerging technology that extends beyond the enormous benefit of allowing patients to access care at their discretion.   Our inclusive software is also designed to help providers use technology to address their business imperatives, reduce cost, improve productivity by streamlining processes, which will result in better over-all patient care.  


By using our itelenetwork platform, AprilMay Company, Inc., helps state and local government locate the most progressive, holistic, wrap-around services to coordinate managed care and the delivery of mental health services.



On-Line Appointment


Dashboard Management/

HIPPA Compliance

EMR Capabilities

Friendly user interface for providsand consumers  to schedule appointments and conduct video chat sessions. 

All interactions and information shared and stored in a fully encrypted per HIPAA requirements. 

Review past sessions and conversations with secure treatment records. Exportable files to easily transfer patient notes to in-office files or EHR/EMR. 

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